Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A retainer and braces for George

After going to the dentist we have found that George has 2 impacted teeth and will need braces.  To begin with he needs to wear this device or retainer.  I know its a nasty shot of his mouth. 

Now there is a little hole in the middle of the retainer that I had to put a "key" in and rotate it.  I did that every morning and night for 3 weeks.  The retainer was then spaced properly to adjust his jaw to make room for the 2 teeth to come down.  He will have the retainer on for 6 months for his jaw to heal and grow bone so it stays this shape. 

George will be getting braces in the beginning of August. 

1 comment:

Gina said...

Duncan said he had the exact same thing!